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1, Arrange two chairs, one right behind the other. The chairs should both be facing the same direction.
2, Sit in the rear chair and have a friend sit in the chair in front of you.
3, Blindfold yourself or keep your eyes shut throughout the exercise.
4, Have your friend guide one of your hands to his or her nose. It will probably be easier to use your dominant hand for this part.
5, Bring your other hand up to your own nose.
6, Tap and stroke your friend's nose. Hopefully you're good friends, as this can seem a bit weird. Randomly alternate between tapping your friend's nose and lightly stroking it, as though you're trying to communicate with Morse Code. The more random your movements, the more likely you'll feel the Pinocchio effect. Be gentle.
7, Tap and stroke your own nose with identical movements. As you're tapping and stroking your friend's nose, use your other hand to reproduce the taps and strokes on your own nose. Try to synchronize the movements of your hands as closely as possible.
8, Continue for 30 seconds to a minute. After a while, you may start to feel as though your nose is three feet long (hence the name Pinocchio effect) or that your nose is somehow no longer connected to your body. Try it a couple times if it doesn't work the first time, and make sure the movements of your two hands are as identical as possible. If it still doesn't work, don't worry: about 50% of people can feel the Pinocchio effect, and you may be one of the other 50%.

另外,加拿大就是比香港先进。某位议员在1991年就拍了录像带(其中说了若干不该说的话),结果和陈冠希同学类似,被拿出来爆炒。不过加拿大也真是效率低,现在才出来道歉。议员估计不如小陈家有钱,所以没钱找律师写道歉词,看起来有点克隆阿娇的“很傻很天真”:"I was stupid, thoughtless and insensitive" 原文

[本日志由 jieshu 于 2008-04-04 01:46 PM 编辑]
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回复回复jieshu[2008-04-04 09:03 PM | del]
回复回复ydd[2008-04-04 08:53 PM | del]

I hate your verification codes, which I could only make 3 correct out of 10 at most no matter how careful I am!!!!!!
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